A Look Ahead at Medrio R42.0

Our R42.0 major release includes exciting enhancements for several of our products, including Medrio EDC, Medrio ePRO, and Medrio API Connect.

This article is intended to help you determine the benefit and impact of the R42.0 release. The updates on existing studies and whether to enable those updates on existing or future studies. The information below can also be used to define your validation approach for Medrio R42.0. 

Medrio R42.0 is planned to be released to production on 2023-12-09. The release will be deployed to the Validation Environment on 2023-11-06. We recommend validating the changes in your Validation Environment first before the release is deployed to production. 

For detailed information on each of these updates, the Medrio EDC R42.0 Release Notes will be posted on October 19, 2023, and can be accessed via Medrio Community.

Medrio EDC

Visit Group/Cycle IDs

Feature: Visit Groups will have a unique ID associated with them in the database to better control ordering for future enhancements. 

Impact: There will be no impact to previously collected data. When making mid-study updates that may affect the order in which visit groups appear for different subjects, the improved ordering will be in place for any new data.

Benefit: Enhanced functionality around the order of visit groups and mid-study updates to the order of visit groups.

Consistent Behavior with AND Clauses

Feature: This feature will update the way that logic is evaluated for custom queries, subject status rules, and form rules for better consistency. 

Impact: This could potentially cause queries, subject status rules, and form rules to fire differently depending on how they are configured. The potentially affected logic rules have a static first/anchor clause (e.g., “at Visit 1”) and additional dynamic clauses (e.g., “on same form”, “at same visit”) or have nested conditions that include a mix of static and dynamic clauses. 

Benefit: Infrastructure enhancement for consistent function of ‘AND’ operators and scaling with future Visit Group improvements.

Monitoring - Manual Queries can be Closed Based on Role-Based Rules

Feature: This feature will add role-based, manual query closure rules.

Impact: The option to configure this is available for all studies.

Benefit: Enhanced efficiency around reviewing and resolving manually generated queries.

Configuration - Allow Changes to Form Grids Post-Deployment

Feature: Study builders will be able to ungroup deployed grids or remove specific variables if no more than one row of data has been collected.

Impact: This will not directly affect any existing studies. 

Benefit: Flexibility in making configuration changes to grids.

SDX Include External ID

Feature: This feature will allow you to include External IDs for sites, groups, forms, and visits in your Data Export.

Impact: An additional checkbox option will be added to the existing Data Export page to include external IDs in the generated export file when selected. 

Benefit: Ability to combine disparate data sources more efficiently using common identifiers (i.e., Form External ID) for use with APIs. 

Medrio ePRO

Localization - Additional Languages

Feature: We will now support additional localization languages for MyMedrio, our ePRO Participant Portal. The languages include:

  • Hindi
  • Bengalis
  • Marathi
  • Gujarati 
  • Malay
  • Sinhalese
  • Tamil (India)
  • Tamil (Sri Lanka)
  • Korean 
  • Traditional Chinese
  • Croatian
  • Hungarian
  • Lithuanian

Impact: The newly added languages will be available for new and existing studies.  

Benefit: Additional languages for the localization of the participant-facing pages for ePRO.

Medrio API Connect

Events API Subscriptions - Show Grid Rows And Repeat Labels

Feature: Real-time, event-specific data contained in repeating forms/visits and grids will now be attributed to the repeat instance/grid row to which that data belongs.

Impact: Automatically enabled on existing studies that use Events API Subscriptions.

Benefit: Payloads for the Events API Subscriptions will now include form/visit repeat labels and grid rows, where applicable.